
“You’re a whole lot of lovely. Yes, YOU!”

That’s exactly what I hope others see in me. As I do believe I am happy, with a happy soul, that I always want others to be in happiness too 🙂 🙂 ! Its fun finding inspirational quotes especially one’s that have so much meaning behind them like my header Coco Chanel -one of my favs- also this one above that I decided to pick to describe myself↑↑

I WILL for sure tell you a bit more about myself, which already includes a picture← (if your on your phone reading I believe the picture is↑) so you know who is doing all this talking….like I have a major love for fashion and even a certificate in Fashion Design; I still design to this day. I would like to be more adventurous in life (don’t we all?), explore this world we live in and indulge in the different cultures. Being healthy and positive is a huge part of my life. I have a dog who I absolutely adore, a boyfriend who is my Angel and amazing Family plus Friend’s who surround me everyday. I am at a great time in my life –being POSITIVE is always the key– that I am comfortable in my own skin which brings me to here to this “about page” to Bodacious Bliss xo. I truly believe that once you feel comfortable with yourself then….HELLO!!!! WHY not start up a blog to talk about fashion and of course everything else to do with life, plus beauty tips, maybe even throw in some design sketches here and there just to show the creative side I behold!¡

….You can actually click on this link to see my gown line called “STORY”↓


If you are interested in some shopping please do click on this link for my very own NEW Online Boutique store↓↓↓


Bodacious means adventurous – Bliss means happy – Xo means love


↓Please take a moment or two and leave a comment! Would love your support as well as ideas on what to write next!!↓

2 Comments Add yours

  1. sharonchyy says:

    Great personality! Keep them rolling and keep blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the kind words beauty, I truly appreciate it! xo


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